Garage door springs are extremely important components. Their good performance ensures the good and safe operation of the door. Thanks to their stored energy they manage to move the door. If they are damaged or broken, it will be impossible for anyone to open the door. There are extension and torsion springs, and they are selected in accordance with the weight of the door. They both have coils that store the energy needed for the proper balance and movement of the door. The extension springs for garage doors stretch when the door closes down and this way, they keep their energy stored among the coils. This energy will be used when someone will press the button to open the door again. The torsion spring turns on one end while the other end is stationary or turns the opposite way developing torque.
Spring service is our specialty
The garage door spring's design is simple but also ingenious. Thanks to the torque developed by the force created when the torsion spring turns and thanks to the stretching and contracting of the extension garage door springs the door moves and remains open. After years in this business, Garage Door Repair American Fork is a master in spring systems. We deal with their problems and their installation every day and have the required experience for all repair services. We specialize in garage door repair and keep the right tools in our vans for immediate spring repair should the door is not balanced right or the springs need lubrication or replacement.
Our responsive time is immediate. When springs are damaged or snapped, we rush to our customer's aid. We are aces in broken spring replacement thanks to our knowledge and great training. Garage Door Repair American Fork has emergency teams for urgent spring issues and can assure you quick arrival. We use the right tools for their services and make sure the right springs are ordered when our customers need to replace the existing ones. Every door will need different types of springs and of different size as well. It will depend on the door's weight. For all services, you can be sure of our specialty in springs. Call us if you need our assistance.